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Vliegmaatschappij: Eznis

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Activiteiten gestaakt door vliegmaatschappij. Eznis suspended all its flights starting May 22nd 2014
Voor details, kijk op de Wikipedia pagina van Eznis.×

Recensies van reizigers

  • Tigo vliegend van Dalanzadgad naar Ulaanbaatar
    I had 3 flights with eznis - from Buyant Uhaa (ULN) to Murun (MXV), from Murun to Dalanzadgad (DLZ) and back to Buyant Uhaa. As a result I had 2 flights delays for 6 hours each (so, the whole day was lost which of course affected my travel plans). Very poor English of the staff even in head-office and nobody knows what is going on. The third trip from Dalanzadgad to Buyant Uhaa wondered even myself. They moved me and my wife from the 9 am flight to the 5 pm flight (most likely to fit into the plane an organised group of tourists) and I found it only when I was trying to check in.
    I would recommend this airlines only if you are happy to lose 3 full days of your trip and stuck in the middle of nowhere for a day or so.
    Onboard service however is good enough.

Voorheen vloog Eznis op de volgende routes:

Vliegtips > Plan your trip

Look for promotions: Most airlines have special offers almost all the time. These offers are usually valid only for specific destinations and for specific dates (or days of week). If you are flexible on dates, check "what is on sale now", to get the best price! If there is no discount on your desired route and if your dates are flexible, you can wait for 2 to 4 weeks for a promotion on that particular route.