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Closest Airport to Coyol, Costa Rica

Closest Airport to Coyol, Costa Rica

San José - Juan Santamaría at 4.59 km.   See all flights from San José - Juan Santamaría 722 flights
La Fortuna at 63.44 km.   See all flights from La Fortuna 3 flights
Liberia at 147.51 km.   See all flights from Liberia 317 flights
Punta Renes at 204.55 km.   See all flights from Punta Renes 10 flights
Bocas Del Toro, Panama at 231.43 km.   See all flights from Bocas Del Toro 0 flights
David, Panama at 268.09 km.   See all flights from David 140 flights
Aeromexico operates 726 flights in the Coyol, Costa Rica area Southwest Airlines operates 176 flights in the Coyol, Costa Rica area TACA operates 115 flights in the Coyol, Costa Rica area LATAM operates 59 flights in the Coyol, Costa Rica area Interjet operates 47 flights in the Coyol, Costa Rica area Spirit operates 27 flights in the Coyol, Costa Rica area

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Cities near Coyol, Costa Rica

Aguas Zarcas (distance between Aguas Zarcas and Coyol, Costa Rica: 44.05 km) at 44.05 km
Alajuela (distance between Alajuela and Coyol, Costa Rica: 4.58 km) at 4.58 km
Alajuelita (distance between Alajuelita and Coyol, Costa Rica: 19.72 km) at 19.72 km
Alfaro (distance between Alfaro and Coyol, Costa Rica: 29.80 km) at 29.80 km
Ángeles (distance between angeles and Coyol, Costa Rica: 18.18 km) at 18.18 km
Aserri (distance between Aserri and Coyol, Costa Rica: 23.36 km) at 23.36 km
Atenas (distance between Atenas and Coyol, Costa Rica: 14.49 km) at 14.49 km
Barreal (distance between Barreal and Coyol, Costa Rica: 12.93 km) at 12.93 km
Barrio Escalante (distance between Barrio Escalante and Coyol, Costa Rica: 22.62 km) at 22.62 km
Barrio Mexico (distance between Barrio Mexico and Coyol, Costa Rica: 19.10 km) at 19.10 km
Barva (distance between Barva and Coyol, Costa Rica: 13.94 km) at 13.94 km
Calle Blancos (distance between Calle Blancos and Coyol, Costa Rica: 20.85 km) at 20.85 km
Carrillo (distance between Carrillo and Coyol, Costa Rica: 41.11 km) at 41.11 km
Cartago (distance between Cartago and Coyol, Costa Rica: 41.47 km) at 41.47 km
Cinco Esquinas (distance between Cinco Esquinas and Coyol, Costa Rica: 14.39 km) at 14.39 km
Coco (distance between Coco and Coyol, Costa Rica: 3.63 km) at 3.63 km
Colon (distance between Colon and Coyol, Costa Rica: 9.35 km) at 9.35 km
Concepcion (distance between Concepcion and Coyol, Costa Rica: 28.39 km) at 28.39 km
Corazon De Jesus (distance between Corazon De Jesus and Coyol, Costa Rica: 39.63 km) at 39.63 km
Curridabat (distance between Curridabat and Coyol, Costa Rica: 25.62 km) at 25.62 km
Desamparaditos (distance between Desamparaditos and Coyol, Costa Rica: 16.85 km) at 16.85 km
Desamparados (distance between Desamparados and Coyol, Costa Rica: 23.51 km) at 23.51 km
Dulce Nombre (distance between Dulce Nombre and Coyol, Costa Rica: 14.10 km) at 14.10 km
Escalante (distance between Escalante and Coyol, Costa Rica: 22.62 km) at 22.62 km
Escazu (distance between Escazu and Coyol, Costa Rica: 15.07 km) at 15.07 km
Esparta (distance between Esparta and Coyol, Costa Rica: 45.46 km) at 45.46 km
Florencia (distance between Florencia and Coyol, Costa Rica: 48.16 km) at 48.16 km
Garabito (distance between Garabito and Coyol, Costa Rica: 41.18 km) at 41.18 km
Granadilla (distance between Granadilla and Coyol, Costa Rica: 26.63 km) at 26.63 km
Grecia (distance between Grecia and Coyol, Costa Rica: 10.48 km) at 10.48 km
Guachipelin (distance between Guachipelin and Coyol, Costa Rica: 11.69 km) at 11.69 km
Guadalupe (distance between Guadalupe and Coyol, Costa Rica: 46.87 km) at 46.87 km
Guayabo (distance between Guayabo and Coyol, Costa Rica: 42.70 km) at 42.70 km
Guayabos (distance between Guayabos and Coyol, Costa Rica: 24.89 km) at 24.89 km
Heredia (distance between Heredia and Coyol, Costa Rica: 14.64 km) at 14.64 km
Ipis (distance between Ipis and Coyol, Costa Rica: 25.84 km) at 25.84 km
La Asuncion (distance between La Asuncion and Coyol, Costa Rica: 9.32 km) at 9.32 km
La Garita (distance between La Garita and Coyol, Costa Rica: 8.26 km) at 8.26 km
La Guácima (distance between La Guacima and Coyol, Costa Rica: 4.17 km) at 4.17 km
La Marina (distance between La Marina and Coyol, Costa Rica: 44.14 km) at 44.14 km
La Ribera (distance between La Ribera and Coyol, Costa Rica: 7.44 km) at 7.44 km
La Sabana (distance between La Sabana and Coyol, Costa Rica: 12.29 km) at 12.29 km
La Unión (distance between La Union and Coyol, Costa Rica: 30.59 km) at 30.59 km
La Uruca (distance between La Uruca and Coyol, Costa Rica: 9.23 km) at 9.23 km
Lagunilla (distance between Lagunilla and Coyol, Costa Rica: 15.07 km) at 15.07 km
Llorente (distance between Llorente and Coyol, Costa Rica: 10.96 km) at 10.96 km
Los angeles (distance between Los angeles and Coyol, Costa Rica: 29.56 km) at 29.56 km
Los Yoses (distance between Los Yoses and Coyol, Costa Rica: 23.15 km) at 23.15 km
Mercedes (distance between Mercedes and Coyol, Costa Rica: 12.74 km) at 12.74 km
Naranjo (distance between Naranjo and Coyol, Costa Rica: 17.83 km) at 17.83 km
Orosi (distance between Orosi and Coyol, Costa Rica: 49.18 km) at 49.18 km
Orotina (distance between Orotina and Coyol, Costa Rica: 31.53 km) at 31.53 km
Pacayas (distance between Pacayas and Coyol, Costa Rica: 31.25 km) at 31.25 km
Palmar (distance between Palmar and Coyol, Costa Rica: 39.82 km) at 39.82 km
Paraiso (distance between Paraiso and Coyol, Costa Rica: 45.83 km) at 45.83 km
Peralta (distance between Peralta and Coyol, Costa Rica: 17.31 km) at 17.31 km
Perez (distance between Perez and Coyol, Costa Rica: 31.79 km) at 31.79 km
Pital (distance between Pital and Coyol, Costa Rica: 50.22 km) at 50.22 km
Poas (distance between Poas and Coyol, Costa Rica: 9.32 km) at 9.32 km
Pozos (distance between Pozos and Coyol, Costa Rica: 22.39 km) at 22.39 km
Purral (distance between Purral and Coyol, Costa Rica: 24.40 km) at 24.40 km
Quesada (distance between Quesada and Coyol, Costa Rica: 40.93 km) at 40.93 km
Rio Segundo (distance between Rio Segundo and Coyol, Costa Rica: 5.48 km) at 5.48 km
Sabanilla (distance between Sabanilla and Coyol, Costa Rica: 23.89 km) at 23.89 km
San Antonio (distance between San Antonio and Coyol, Costa Rica: 11.23 km) at 11.23 km
San Diego (distance between San Diego and Coyol, Costa Rica: 29.33 km) at 29.33 km
San Felipe (distance between San Felipe and Coyol, Costa Rica: 19.86 km) at 19.86 km
San Francisco (distance between San Francisco and Coyol, Costa Rica: 19.50 km) at 19.50 km
San Francisco De Dos Rios (distance between San Francisco De Dos Rios and Coyol, Costa Rica: 23.58 km) at 23.58 km
San Ignacio (distance between San Ignacio and Coyol, Costa Rica: 24.06 km) at 24.06 km
San Isidro (distance between San Isidro and Coyol, Costa Rica: 26.68 km) at 26.68 km
San Jose (distance between San Jose and Coyol, Costa Rica: 19.72 km) at 19.72 km
San Josecito (distance between San Josecito and Coyol, Costa Rica: 23.82 km) at 23.82 km
San Juan (distance between San Juan and Coyol, Costa Rica: 18.65 km) at 18.65 km
San Marcos De Tarrazu (distance between San Marcos De Tarrazu and Coyol, Costa Rica: 45.45 km) at 45.45 km
San Miguel (distance between San Miguel and Coyol, Costa Rica: 23.93 km) at 23.93 km
San Pablo (distance between San Pablo and Coyol, Costa Rica: 14.41 km) at 14.41 km
San Pedro (distance between San Pedro and Coyol, Costa Rica: 23.26 km) at 23.26 km
San Pedro De Montes De Oca (distance between San Pedro De Montes De Oca and Coyol, Costa Rica: 23.26 km) at 23.26 km
San Rafael (distance between San Rafael and Coyol, Costa Rica: 23.52 km) at 23.52 km
San Rafael Abajo (distance between San Rafael Abajo and Coyol, Costa Rica: 18.91 km) at 18.91 km
San Rafael Arriba (distance between San Rafael Arriba and Coyol, Costa Rica: 22.42 km) at 22.42 km
San Ramon (distance between San Ramon and Coyol, Costa Rica: 26.04 km) at 26.04 km
San Sebastián (distance between San Sebastian and Coyol, Costa Rica: 20.53 km) at 20.53 km
San Vicente (distance between San Vicente and Coyol, Costa Rica: 18.48 km) at 18.48 km
Santa Ana (distance between Santa Ana and Coyol, Costa Rica: 10.54 km) at 10.54 km
Santa Gertrudis Sur (distance between Santa Gertrudis Sur and Coyol, Costa Rica: 8.57 km) at 8.57 km
Santiago (distance between Santiago and Coyol, Costa Rica: 18.49 km) at 18.49 km
Santo Domingo (distance between Santo Domingo and Coyol, Costa Rica: 12.61 km) at 12.61 km
Sarchi (distance between Sarchi and Coyol, Costa Rica: 14.35 km) at 14.35 km
Sarchí Norte (distance between Sarchi Norte and Coyol, Costa Rica: 14.62 km) at 14.62 km
Taras (distance between Taras and Coyol, Costa Rica: 37.07 km) at 37.07 km
Tejar (distance between Tejar and Coyol, Costa Rica: 38.34 km) at 38.34 km
Tibás (distance between Tibas and Coyol, Costa Rica: 22.23 km) at 22.23 km
Tres Rios (distance between Tres Rios and Coyol, Costa Rica: 30.59 km) at 30.59 km
Turrúcares (distance between Turrucares and Coyol, Costa Rica: 8.85 km) at 8.85 km
Uruca (distance between Uruca and Coyol, Costa Rica: 29.35 km) at 29.35 km
Zapote (distance between Zapote and Coyol, Costa Rica: 31.16 km) at 31.16 km
Zarcero (distance between Zarcero and Coyol, Costa Rica: 26.20 km) at 26.20 km

Recommended service providers in Coyol, Costa Rica

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Tips for Flying > Buy tickets

Should I buy my ticket online or through a travel agent?: Most travel agents also sell tickets for lowcost flights. A travel agent usually buys a large number of tickets at once, so that he may have some discount on the total price. But he adds a commission to the initial price. So if you buy your ticket through a travel agent you may pay a higher final price for your plane ticket. It's always a good idea to compare prices before buying your ticket. However, keep in mind that the cheapest tickets sell first, so don't waste too much time comparing!