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Closest Airport to David airport (DAV), Panama

David airport - view flight list

Airport nameDavid
IATA Airport CodeDAV
ICAO Airport CodeMPDA
Cheap flights140
Cheap airlines1

Closest Airport to David airport (DAV), Panama

Bocas Del Toro at 107.47 km.   See all flights from Bocas Del Toro 0 flights
Rio Hato at 253.96 km.   See all flights from Rio Hato 6 flights
San José - Juan Santamaría, Costa Rica at 264.24 km.   See all flights from San José - Juan Santamaría 722 flights
Howard Air Force Base at 317.32 km.   See all flights from Howard Air Force Base 0 flights
Panama City - Marcos A. Gelabert at 323.28 km.   See all flights from Panama City - Marcos A. Gelabert 0 flights
Aeromexico operates 446 flights in the David airport (DAV), Panama area Southwest Airlines operates 88 flights in the David airport (DAV), Panama area TACA operates 69 flights in the David airport (DAV), Panama area Interjet operates 47 flights in the David airport (DAV), Panama area Spirit operates 27 flights in the David airport (DAV), Panama area LATAM operates 21 flights in the David airport (DAV), Panama area

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Cities near David airport (DAV), Panama

Alanje (distance between Alanje and David airport: 12.80 km) at 12.80 km
Almirante (distance between Almirante and David airport: 101.26 km) at 101.26 km
Bagala (distance between Bagala and David airport: 13.80 km) at 13.80 km
Bocalatun (distance between Bocalatun and David airport: 26.99 km) at 26.99 km
Bocas Del Toro (distance between Bocas Del Toro and David airport: 106.83 km) at 106.83 km
Boquete (distance between Boquete and David airport: 43.68 km) at 43.68 km
Bugaba (distance between Bugaba and David airport: 22.58 km) at 22.58 km
Caimito (distance between Caimito and David airport: 17.72 km) at 17.72 km
Camilo (distance between Camilo and David airport: 85.00 km) at 85.00 km
Canoa (distance between Canoa and David airport: 71.82 km) at 71.82 km
Canoas, Costa Rica (distance between Canoas, Costa Rica and David airport: 46.71 km) at 46.71 km
Cerro Punta (distance between Cerro Punta and David airport: 53.15 km) at 53.15 km
Chichica (distance between Chichica and David airport: 84.63 km) at 84.63 km
Chiriqui (distance between Chiriqui and David airport: 12.97 km) at 12.97 km
Chiriqui Grande (distance between Chiriqui Grande and David airport: 71.37 km) at 71.37 km
Corredor, Costa Rica (distance between Corredor, Costa Rica and David airport: 62.87 km) at 62.87 km
David (distance between David and David airport: 4.73 km) at 4.73 km
Dolega (distance between Dolega and David airport: 19.67 km) at 19.67 km
Florida, Costa Rica (distance between Florida, Costa Rica and David airport: 74.09 km) at 74.09 km
Golfito, Costa Rica (distance between Golfito, Costa Rica and David airport: 83.91 km) at 83.91 km
Guacimo, Costa Rica (distance between Guacimo, Costa Rica and David airport: 97.53 km) at 97.53 km
La Concepcion (distance between La Concepcion and David airport: 24.50 km) at 24.50 km
La Primavera (distance between La Primavera and David airport: 2.88 km) at 2.88 km
Las Lomas (distance between Las Lomas and David airport: 6.04 km) at 6.04 km
Los Algarrobos (distance between Los Algarrobos and David airport: 12.15 km) at 12.15 km
Los Anastacios (distance between Los Anastacios and David airport: 15.97 km) at 15.97 km
Muerto (distance between Muerto and David airport: 21.61 km) at 21.61 km
Neily, Costa Rica (distance between Neily, Costa Rica and David airport: 62.72 km) at 62.72 km
Palmira (distance between Palmira and David airport: 36.31 km) at 36.31 km
Potrerillos Abajo (distance between Potrerillos Abajo and David airport: 29.35 km) at 29.35 km
Potrerillos Arriba (distance between Potrerillos Arriba and David airport: 33.35 km) at 33.35 km
Pueblo Nuevo (distance between Pueblo Nuevo and David airport: 19.67 km) at 19.67 km
Puerto Armuelles (distance between Puerto Armuelles and David airport: 49.11 km) at 49.11 km
Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica (distance between Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica and David airport: 98.44 km) at 98.44 km
Rio Claro, Costa Rica (distance between Rio Claro, Costa Rica and David airport: 76.86 km) at 76.86 km
San Felix (distance between San Felix and David airport: 63.63 km) at 63.63 km
San Marcos, Costa Rica (distance between San Marcos, Costa Rica and David airport: 68.93 km) at 68.93 km
San Vito, Costa Rica (distance between San Vito, Costa Rica and David airport: 76.02 km) at 76.02 km
Volcan (distance between Volcan and David airport: 47.23 km) at 47.23 km

Recommended service providers in David, Panama

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Tips for Flying > Plan your trip

Fly on workdays: As many passengers prefer to fly on week-ends, week-end tickets sell first. If you don't book your trip well in advance (2-3 months beforehand) you may notice, for example, that Thursday flights are cheaper than Sunday flights. Some low cost carriers have special promotions on the flights during the week.