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  • Anonymous 从 威尼斯-泰塞拉机场 至 卡萨布兰卡
    Andata: 14/08/2012, ritorno: 25/08/2012. Ho pagato 530 euro, e il biglietto non includeva il bagaglio ma non era molto chiaro, e chiamando i loro numeri sia dall'Italia che dal Marocco nessuno ha risposto o altrimenti devi stare ad ascoltare la segreteria telefonica registrata male per trattenere i clienti al telefono e guadagnare un pò di soldi, quindi non riuscendo ad avere certezza ho dovuto pagare 45 euro per 16 kili all'andata e 40 euro per 10 kili dal Marocco, e quando ho dato 50 euro mi hanno tornato 100 dirham in Marocco e quindi fanno apposta cosi ci guadagnano anche sul cambio, il cibo è a pagamento a bordo, i giornali non ci sono e se devi acquistare qualcosa devi chiederle per vedere cosa vendono, i bagagli a bordo li mettono ovunque se i posti per i bagagli sono pieni (non capisco come tutto è nel limite di peso fissato ma pure non c'è posto per mettere i bagagli), più mezz'ora di ritardo all'andata e poi al check-in sono maleducati e non ti chiedono dove vuoi sedere, e hanno pure separato una mamma dai suoi 2 bambini moto piccoli, da dire anche che noi marocchini abbiamo tanti difetti come non tenere puliti i posti per sedere, e sempre faciamo fatica a fare la fila :( cmq per me è stata un'esperienza troppo negativa, e sconsiglio questa linea a chi paga più di 200 euro x andata e ritorno.
  • Rob 从 孟买 至 伊斯坦布尔 萨比哈·格克琴国际机场
    I flew from Mumbai to Istanbul Sabiha, via Shajah. All airplanes were Airbus 320. Seat pitch is wide with comfortable seat, there were TVs on board for the entertainment. The air crew was polite and patient with some passengers from India, because they didn't care about the other passengers, they talked and laught very loudly all trip long, since take off till landing. I flew from Mumbai to Shajah for connecting flight to Istanbul. Almost all passengers were indian. It was ok for the fist flight on mine. After landing I had to wait more than 12 hours for going to Istanbul. Shajah international airport is the biggest hub of Air Arabia. Althought small, it is comfortable. At 20.30 I flew to Istanbul, I spent more than 5 hours on board. The passengers of that flight were mixed. There were turkish, arab and a few european people. It was ok and safety.
    15 days later at 0.35 I flew from Istanbul to Shajah. After boarding, the captain announced that they could not take off, because the weather was very bad. They must wait until the weather was getting better. They must consider the safety for all passengers. Then, the crew made an announcement, asking all the passengers to go out of aircraft. Some passenger was very upset and complained. Some aircrew came to talk with that passengers, so that they would calm down. She was very polite and patient, one hour later they started boarding again and took off to Shajah. We landed to Shajah international airport in morming. No problems at all. I had to wait there 7 hours, but it was not a problem for me. Food and water was not too expensive and I could sleep in waiting lounge :D, althought it was not too good with armrest seat. I thought to sleep on flight to Mumbai, but I was disappointed, because all the passengers were indian and talked together loudly all trip to Mumbai. I looked at some aircrew getting upset to some big group of indian passengers, but they were still polite and had to say "please, please..." with those passengers. I got a headache, because I could not sleep the entire trip, because of the indian passengers talking together loudly. However I am satisfied with the services of AirArabia and with the cheap flight. It is worthy flying with AirArabia.
  • Michael J. 从 Sharjah 至 科威特城
    I have flown Air Arabia from Sharjah to Kuwait, Riyadh and Doha and always found them to offer a decent basic service. The seat is comfortable with enough room for short sectors and flying from Sharjah is really beneficial when comparing using nearby Dubai. The prices have always been 50% less than Emirates, and because they use smaller planes, the boarding and disembarking process is significantly quicker. If you select your seat at booking, it costs 5 Dirhams, for a seat near the back and upto 50 Dirhams for a seat in Row 1. I have always found if you pay 100 AED at check-in for the executive lounge access, you get moved forward on the plane. Baggage delivery is a pain at Sharjah, slower than other places, but I am sure this will improve following feedback to the airline. Overall, a great service and excellent value. So much so, I have made this mandatory for my company to use when flying within the GCC countries.

被使用的廉价机场 Air arabia

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