Monarch - Nota 3.4/5, ofera 208 zboruri ieftine in toata lumea
Rute aeriene low cost, pentru a zbura oriunde in lume.

Compania aeriana: Monarch

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Compania aeriana Monarch
Compania aeriana Monarch
Pagina web:Cumpara direct de pe site-ul Monarch
Wikipedia:Pagina wikipedia despre compania Monarch

Numarul zborurilor low cost: 208

Parerea calatorilor

  • маша a zburat din Tel Aviv in Londra Luton
    Очень достойная кампания, с командой высокопрофессиональных пилотов и бортпроводников.
  • Carol Bimson a zburat din Londra Luton in Corfu
    They were absolutely rubbish and I would never knowingly fly with them ever again. Due to issues at Luton our flight back from Corfu was cancelled and there was no one from Monarch to help. The airport staff at Corfu were clueless and it was a massive free for all to try to get flights home. We were given no food or drinks even though we had been held at the airport for over 6 hours. When we eventually got a flight back it was to Gatwick and we were supposed to be picked up by a coach to take us back to Luton. The coach GOT LOST at Gatwick and took another hour or so to get to us. We went to the Monarch desk which was meant to be open at 03:00 but no one was there and no one tried to help either. When we returned home and tried to claim comp they basically told us to go do one!! The worst service I have ever experienced.
  • Steve a zburat din Londra Gatwick in Preveza
    Outward and inward flights both on time, staff were friendly. Reasonably comfortable seats with adaquate leg room.
  • Paul a zburat din Londra Gatwick in Málaga
    Prompt flight, not much room though. Staff helpful and friendly
  • Kevin MacDonald a zburat din Londra Gatwick in Sharm el-Sheikh
    The spacing of the seats was very limited for the flight length 5.5hrs, not comfortable at all. There seemed like more space between rows of seats on an EasyJet flight.

Aeroporturi low cost folosite de Monarch

Sfaturi pentru zbor > Inainte de a pleca

Verificati intarzierile on line: De obicei, o intarziere a unui zbor low cost antreneaza intarzierea tuturor zborurilor pe care avionul respectiv le are de efectuat. Acest lucru este cauzat de politica liniilor aeriene low cost care prefera sa aiba intervale de asteptare scurte intre doua zboruri (de la 25 minute la 2 ore). Deci, daca zborul dinaintea cursei dv. are intarziere, zborul dv. poate avea o intarziere de 1-2 ore. Puteti verifica on line timpul de sosire/ plecare estimat, ori pe site-ul aeroportului (in cazul majoritatii aeroporturilor), ori pe cel al companiei (in cazul companiilor mari).