Flydubai - Cijfer 3.0/5, 30102 laaggeprijsde vluchten wereldwijd
Laaggeprijsde vliegroutes: vlieg goedkoop overal vandaan overal heen.

Vliegmaatschappij: Flydubai

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Recensies van reizigers

  • Nina vliegend van Bahrein naar Hambantota
    Amazing flight , super service loved every minute of it
  • Naila vliegend van Bakoe naar Dubai
    Bad service. Weighed baggage wrong. Delayed me. Served children on the flight 10 mins before landing. My bag did not arrive in Dubai. I was asked to come back with my small children when suitcase arrives all the way from Abu Dhabi. When the bag arrived they did not bother to call me.

Laaggeprijsde vliegvelden gebruikt door Flydubai

Vliegtips > Before departure

Food and drinks on the plane: One of the most important "features" of low cost flights is that the airlines do not offer free food and drinks on the plane. Food and drinks are sold on board, but they are quite expensive. If you travel on a low budget you should take some sandwiches from home. But remember that you cannot carry any liquids in your hand luggage past the security check!