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Closest Airport to Stokes, NC, USA

Closest Airport to Stokes, NC, USA

Coastal Carolina at 73.54 km.   See all flights from Coastal Carolina 107 flights
Albert J Ellis at 110.91 km.   See all flights from Albert J Ellis 107 flights
Raleigh-Durham, NC at 139.24 km.   See all flights from Raleigh-Durham, NC 612 flights
Norfolk/Virginia Beach/Williamsburg, VA at 162.92 km.   See all flights from Norfolk/Virginia Beach/Williamsburg, VA 243 flights
Fayetteville at 166.97 km.   See all flights from Fayetteville 109 flights
New Hanover County at 170.39 km.   See all flights from New Hanover County 108 flights
Aeromexico operates 790 flights in the Stokes, NC, USA area Southwest Airlines operates 204 flights in the Stokes, NC, USA area LATAM operates 102 flights in the Stokes, NC, USA area AirTran operates 59 flights in the Stokes, NC, USA area JetBlue operates 58 flights in the Stokes, NC, USA area Virgin Atlantic operates 17 flights in the Stokes, NC, USA area

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Cities near Stokes, NC, USA

Ayden, NC (distance between Ayden NC and Stokes NC, USA: 32.01 km) at 32.01 km
Bath, NC (distance between Bath NC and Stokes NC, USA: 53.37 km) at 53.37 km
Battleboro, NC (distance between Battleboro NC and Stokes NC, USA: 56.54 km) at 56.54 km
Bethel, NC (distance between Bethel NC and Stokes NC, USA: 18.43 km) at 18.43 km
Blounts Creek, NC (distance between Blounts Creek NC and Stokes NC, USA: 48.50 km) at 48.50 km
Chocowinity, NC (distance between Chocowinity NC and Stokes NC, USA: 33.82 km) at 33.82 km
Conetoe, NC (distance between Conetoe NC and Stokes NC, USA: 21.90 km) at 21.90 km
Cove City, NC (distance between Cove City NC and Stokes NC, USA: 55.32 km) at 55.32 km
Dover, NC (distance between Dover NC and Stokes NC, USA: 54.65 km) at 54.65 km
Edward, NC (distance between Edward NC and Stokes NC, USA: 53.91 km) at 53.91 km
Elm City, NC (distance between Elm City NC and Stokes NC, USA: 53.91 km) at 53.91 km
Everetts, NC (distance between Everetts NC and Stokes NC, USA: 16.16 km) at 16.16 km
Falkland, NC (distance between Falkland NC and Stokes NC, USA: 22.94 km) at 22.94 km
Farmville, NC (distance between Farmville NC and Stokes NC, USA: 31.92 km) at 31.92 km
Fountain, NC (distance between Fountain NC and Stokes NC, USA: 33.44 km) at 33.44 km
Greenville, NC (distance between Greenville NC and Stokes NC, USA: 20.53 km) at 20.53 km
Grifton, NC (distance between Grifton NC and Stokes NC, USA: 39.28 km) at 39.28 km
Grimesland, NC (distance between Grimesland NC and Stokes NC, USA: 22.51 km) at 22.51 km
Hamilton, NC (distance between Hamilton NC and Stokes NC, USA: 30.18 km) at 30.18 km
Hassell, NC (distance between Hassell NC and Stokes NC, USA: 22.39 km) at 22.39 km
Hobgood, NC (distance between Hobgood NC and Stokes NC, USA: 34.19 km) at 34.19 km
Hookerton, NC (distance between Hookerton NC and Stokes NC, USA: 42.05 km) at 42.05 km
Jamesville, NC (distance between Jamesville NC and Stokes NC, USA: 33.57 km) at 33.57 km
Kelford, NC (distance between Kelford NC and Stokes NC, USA: 53.69 km) at 53.69 km
Lewiston Woodville, NC (distance between Lewiston Woodville NC and Stokes NC, USA: 40.40 km) at 40.40 km
Macclesfield, NC (distance between Macclesfield NC and Stokes NC, USA: 34.35 km) at 34.35 km
Maury, NC (distance between Maury NC and Stokes NC, USA: 38.51 km) at 38.51 km
Oak City, NC (distance between Oak City NC and Stokes NC, USA: 30.67 km) at 30.67 km
Pantego, NC (distance between Pantego NC and Stokes NC, USA: 50.06 km) at 50.06 km
Parmele, NC (distance between Parmele NC and Stokes NC, USA: 13.76 km) at 13.76 km
Pinetops, NC (distance between Pinetops NC and Stokes NC, USA: 36.23 km) at 36.23 km
Pinetown, NC (distance between Pinetown NC and Stokes NC, USA: 48.52 km) at 48.52 km
Plymouth, NC (distance between Plymouth NC and Stokes NC, USA: 50.24 km) at 50.24 km
Robersonville, NC (distance between Robersonville NC and Stokes NC, USA: 11.24 km) at 11.24 km
Rocky Mount, NC (distance between Rocky Mount NC and Stokes NC, USA: 56.69 km) at 56.69 km
Roxobel, NC (distance between Roxobel NC and Stokes NC, USA: 53.94 km) at 53.94 km
Saratoga, NC (distance between Saratoga NC and Stokes NC, USA: 47.64 km) at 47.64 km
Scotland Neck, NC (distance between Scotland Neck NC and Stokes NC, USA: 50.20 km) at 50.20 km
Sharpsburg, NC (distance between Sharpsburg NC and Stokes NC, USA: 55.17 km) at 55.17 km
Simpson, NC (distance between Simpson NC and Stokes NC, USA: 14.72 km) at 14.72 km
Snow Hill, NC (distance between Snow Hill NC and Stokes NC, USA: 48.47 km) at 48.47 km
Speed, NC (distance between Speed NC and Stokes NC, USA: 33.33 km) at 33.33 km
Stantonsburg, NC (distance between Stantonsburg NC and Stokes NC, USA: 52.09 km) at 52.09 km
Tarboro, NC (distance between Tarboro NC and Stokes NC, USA: 34.02 km) at 34.02 km
Vanceboro, NC (distance between Vanceboro NC and Stokes NC, USA: 44.52 km) at 44.52 km
Walstonburg, NC (distance between Walstonburg NC and Stokes NC, USA: 42.82 km) at 42.82 km
Washington, NC (distance between Washington NC and Stokes NC, USA: 26.28 km) at 26.28 km
Williamston, NC (distance between Williamston NC and Stokes NC, USA: 22.47 km) at 22.47 km
Windsor, NC (distance between Windsor NC and Stokes NC, USA: 42.88 km) at 42.88 km
Winterville, NC (distance between Winterville NC and Stokes NC, USA: 25.57 km) at 25.57 km

Recommended service providers in Stokes, NC, USA

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Tips for Flying > Plan your trip

Escort for unaccompanied minors: Some low cost airlines offer escort services for unaccompanied minors - usually aged more than 6 - for a 50 EURO fee per flight. Children are entrusted to a specially trained adult who deals with the border crossing formalities, takes care of the children during the flight and safely delivers them to the person waiting for them at the end of the journey. Obviously, it is not possible for under-age children to travel on indirect lowcost flights, because it is not the escort's job to check children in for the onward flight. However, the escort will collect children's luggage after a direct flight. In order to know what the requirements for minors to travel alone are, inquire with the Border Police.