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Closest Airport to South Hill, VA, USA

Closest Airport to South Hill, VA, USA

Raleigh-Durham, NC at 110.91 km.   See all flights from Raleigh-Durham, NC 612 flights
Richmond, VA at 114.29 km.   See all flights from Richmond, VA 497 flights
Charlottesville-Albemarle at 156.17 km.   See all flights from Charlottesville-Albemarle 109 flights
Newport News/Williamsburg at 157.27 km.   See all flights from Newport News/Williamsburg 108 flights
Roanoke at 170.68 km.   See all flights from Roanoke 121 flights
Piedmont Triad at 172.23 km.   See all flights from Piedmont Triad 137 flights
Aeromexico operates 950 flights in the South Hill, VA, USA area Southwest Airlines operates 204 flights in the South Hill, VA, USA area LATAM operates 113 flights in the South Hill, VA, USA area AirTran operates 100 flights in the South Hill, VA, USA area JetBlue operates 99 flights in the South Hill, VA, USA area SATA Air operates 26 flights in the South Hill, VA, USA area

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Cities near South Hill, VA, USA

Alberta, VA (distance between Alberta VA and South Hill VA, USA: 27.30 km) at 27.30 km
Baskerville, VA (distance between Baskerville VA and South Hill VA, USA: 9.27 km) at 9.27 km
Blackstone, VA (distance between Blackstone VA and South Hill VA, USA: 41.12 km) at 41.12 km
Boydton, VA (distance between Boydton VA and South Hill VA, USA: 18.43 km) at 18.43 km
Bracey, VA (distance between Bracey VA and South Hill VA, USA: 18.97 km) at 18.97 km
Brodnax, VA (distance between Brodnax VA and South Hill VA, USA: 19.86 km) at 19.86 km
Buffalo Junction, VA (distance between Buffalo Junction VA and South Hill VA, USA: 40.76 km) at 40.76 km
Bullock, NC (distance between Bullock NC and South Hill VA, USA: 42.82 km) at 42.82 km
Burkeville, VA (distance between Burkeville VA and South Hill VA, USA: 48.02 km) at 48.02 km
Charlotte Court House, VA (distance between Charlotte Court House VA and South Hill VA, USA: 54.17 km) at 54.17 km
Chase City, VA (distance between Chase City VA and South Hill VA, USA: 22.98 km) at 22.98 km
Clarksville, VA (distance between Clarksville VA and South Hill VA, USA: 31.22 km) at 31.22 km
Clover, VA (distance between Clover VA and South Hill VA, USA: 50.11 km) at 50.11 km
Crewe, VA (distance between Crewe VA and South Hill VA, USA: 46.09 km) at 46.09 km
Crystal Hill, VA (distance between Crystal Hill VA and South Hill VA, USA: 50.54 km) at 50.54 km
Dewitt, VA (distance between Dewitt VA and South Hill VA, USA: 57.18 km) at 57.18 km
Dolphin, VA (distance between Dolphin VA and South Hill VA, USA: 35.63 km) at 35.63 km
Drakes Branch, VA (distance between Drakes Branch VA and South Hill VA, USA: 35.52 km) at 35.52 km
Dundas, VA (distance between Dundas VA and South Hill VA, USA: 24.86 km) at 24.86 km
Ebony, VA (distance between Ebony VA and South Hill VA, USA: 27.49 km) at 27.49 km
Fort Mitchell, VA (distance between Fort Mitchell VA and South Hill VA, USA: 31.75 km) at 31.75 km
Freeman, VA (distance between Freeman VA and South Hill VA, USA: 43.63 km) at 43.63 km
Gasburg, VA (distance between Gasburg VA and South Hill VA, USA: 34.42 km) at 34.42 km
Gaston, NC (distance between Gaston NC and South Hill VA, USA: 51.39 km) at 51.39 km
Green Bay, VA (distance between Green Bay VA and South Hill VA, USA: 43.79 km) at 43.79 km
Henderson, NC (distance between Henderson NC and South Hill VA, USA: 47.98 km) at 47.98 km
Henrico, NC (distance between Henrico NC and South Hill VA, USA: 40.04 km) at 40.04 km
Kenbridge, VA (distance between Kenbridge VA and South Hill VA, USA: 17.59 km) at 17.59 km
Keysville, VA (distance between Keysville VA and South Hill VA, USA: 38.58 km) at 38.58 km
La Crosse, VA (distance between La Crosse VA and South Hill VA, USA: 14.93 km) at 14.93 km
Lawrenceville, VA (distance between Lawrenceville VA and South Hill VA, USA: 34.42 km) at 34.42 km
Littleton, NC (distance between Littleton NC and South Hill VA, USA: 49.87 km) at 49.87 km
Lunenburg, VA (distance between Lunenburg VA and South Hill VA, USA: 20.30 km) at 20.30 km
Macon, NC (distance between Macon NC and South Hill VA, USA: 39.99 km) at 39.99 km
Manson, NC (distance between Manson NC and South Hill VA, USA: 33.24 km) at 33.24 km
Mc Kenney, VA (distance between Mc Kenney VA and South Hill VA, USA: 49.83 km) at 49.83 km
Mckenney, VA (distance between Mckenney VA and South Hill VA, USA: 48.89 km) at 48.89 km
Meherrin, VA (distance between Meherrin VA and South Hill VA, USA: 41.98 km) at 41.98 km
Meredithville, VA (distance between Meredithville VA and South Hill VA, USA: 22.14 km) at 22.14 km
Middleburg, NC (distance between Middleburg NC and South Hill VA, USA: 39.71 km) at 39.71 km
Nelson, VA (distance between Nelson VA and South Hill VA, USA: 46.63 km) at 46.63 km
Norlina, NC (distance between Norlina NC and South Hill VA, USA: 37.34 km) at 37.34 km
Nottoway, VA (distance between Nottoway VA and South Hill VA, USA: 42.79 km) at 42.79 km
Randolph, VA (distance between Randolph VA and South Hill VA, USA: 46.71 km) at 46.71 km
Rawlings, VA (distance between Rawlings VA and South Hill VA, USA: 40.14 km) at 40.14 km
Red Oak, VA (distance between Red Oak VA and South Hill VA, USA: 38.84 km) at 38.84 km
Ridgeway, NC (distance between Ridgeway NC and South Hill VA, USA: 35.78 km) at 35.78 km
Roanoke Rapids, NC (distance between Roanoke Rapids NC and South Hill VA, USA: 55.50 km) at 55.50 km
Saxe, VA (distance between Saxe VA and South Hill VA, USA: 43.61 km) at 43.61 km
Scottsburg, VA (distance between Scottsburg VA and South Hill VA, USA: 51.08 km) at 51.08 km
Skippers, VA (distance between Skippers VA and South Hill VA, USA: 57.38 km) at 57.38 km
Skipwith, VA (distance between Skipwith VA and South Hill VA, USA: 28.97 km) at 28.97 km
Stovall, NC (distance between Stovall NC and South Hill VA, USA: 47.53 km) at 47.53 km
Townsville, NC (distance between Townsville NC and South Hill VA, USA: 35.07 km) at 35.07 km
Valentines, VA (distance between Valentines VA and South Hill VA, USA: 40.53 km) at 40.53 km
Vaughan, NC (distance between Vaughan NC and South Hill VA, USA: 40.18 km) at 40.18 km
Victoria, VA (distance between Victoria VA and South Hill VA, USA: 28.63 km) at 28.63 km
Virgilina, VA (distance between Virgilina VA and South Hill VA, USA: 55.67 km) at 55.67 km
Warfield, VA (distance between Warfield VA and South Hill VA, USA: 42.84 km) at 42.84 km
Warrenton, NC (distance between Warrenton NC and South Hill VA, USA: 43.07 km) at 43.07 km
White Plains, VA (distance between White Plains VA and South Hill VA, USA: 26.68 km) at 26.68 km
Wilsons, VA (distance between Wilsons VA and South Hill VA, USA: 53.57 km) at 53.57 km
Wise, NC (distance between Wise NC and South Hill VA, USA: 29.87 km) at 29.87 km
Wylliesburg, VA (distance between Wylliesburg VA and South Hill VA, USA: 35.54 km) at 35.54 km

Recommended service providers in South Hill, VA, USA

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Tips for Flying > Buy tickets

"Group" tickets: The price of the tickets for lowcost flights increases with the number of tickets sold. So it may happen that there is only one ticket left at the lowest price (e.g. 30Euro) and that the others cost more (e.g. 40Euro). If you buy two tickets, you will be paying the higher price multiplied by the number of passengers (in our case 40*2=80Euro, instead of 30+40=70Euro). Always check that the total price for the group is not higher than the initial price per person multiplied by the number of people in your group.