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Closest Airport to Dorohoi, Romania

Closest Airport to Dorohoi, Romania

Suceava at 29.42 km.   See all flights from Suceava 0 flights
Chernovtsy, Ukraine at 47.74 km.   See all flights from Chernovtsy 0 flights
Iasi at 125.54 km.   See all flights from Iasi 6 flights
Bacau at 163.55 km.   See all flights from Bacau 15 flights
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine at 163.92 km.   See all flights from Ivano-Frankivsk 42 flights
Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine at 168.93 km.   See all flights from Khmelnitskiy 0 flights
Ukraine International operates 42 flights in the Dorohoi, Romania area BlueAir operates 15 flights in the Dorohoi, Romania area WizzAir operates 3 flights in the Dorohoi, Romania area Air Bucharest Transport Aerian operates 2 flights in the Dorohoi, Romania area Eurowings operates 1 flights in the Dorohoi, Romania area

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Search cheap flights from to Dorohoi, Romania

Cities near Dorohoi, Romania

Alba (distance between Alba and Dorohoi, Romania: 24.62 km) at 24.62 km
Arbore (distance between Arbore and Dorohoi, Romania: 42.39 km) at 42.39 km
Avrameni (distance between Avrameni and Dorohoi, Romania: 41.64 km) at 41.64 km
Badeuti (distance between Badeuti and Dorohoi, Romania: 35.12 km) at 35.12 km
Bajura (distance between Bajura and Dorohoi, Romania: 29.83 km) at 29.83 km
Berchisesti (distance between Berchisesti and Dorohoi, Romania: 54.92 km) at 54.92 km
Bilca (distance between Bilca and Dorohoi, Romania: 48.61 km) at 48.61 km
Bosanci (distance between Bosanci and Dorohoi, Romania: 41.29 km) at 41.29 km
Botosani (distance between Botosani and Dorohoi, Romania: 29.87 km) at 29.87 km
Boyany, Ukraine (distance between Boyany, Ukraine and Dorohoi, Romania: 42.06 km) at 42.06 km
Bucecea (distance between Bucecea and Dorohoi, Romania: 20.55 km) at 20.55 km
Burdujeni (distance between Burdujeni and Dorohoi, Romania: 30.94 km) at 30.94 km
Buzdugan (distance between Buzdugan and Dorohoi, Romania: 32.00 km) at 32.00 km
Cacica (distance between Cacica and Dorohoi, Romania: 51.38 km) at 51.38 km
Cajvana (distance between Cajvana and Dorohoi, Romania: 42.69 km) at 42.69 km
Calafindesti (distance between Calafindesti and Dorohoi, Romania: 23.89 km) at 23.89 km
Capu Codrului (distance between Capu Codrului and Dorohoi, Romania: 55.89 km) at 55.89 km
Caraiman (distance between Caraiman and Dorohoi, Romania: 51.09 km) at 51.09 km
Chernivtsi, Ukraine (distance between Chernivtsi, Ukraine and Dorohoi, Romania: 51.10 km) at 51.10 km
Chernovtsy, Ukraine (distance between Chernovtsy, Ukraine and Dorohoi, Romania: 52.15 km) at 52.15 km
Concesti (distance between Concesti and Dorohoi, Romania: 26.57 km) at 26.57 km
Copalau (distance between Copalau and Dorohoi, Romania: 49.26 km) at 49.26 km
Corlateni (distance between Corlateni and Dorohoi, Romania: 11.34 km) at 11.34 km
Costina (distance between Costina and Dorohoi, Romania: 34.23 km) at 34.23 km
Criva, Moldova (distance between Criva, Moldova and Dorohoi, Romania: 41.07 km) at 41.07 km
Curtesti (distance between Curtesti and Dorohoi, Romania: 31.99 km) at 31.99 km
Dacia (distance between Dacia and Dorohoi, Romania: 25.00 km) at 25.00 km
Danila (distance between Danila and Dorohoi, Romania: 31.58 km) at 31.58 km
Darabani (distance between Darabani and Dorohoi, Romania: 29.33 km) at 29.33 km
Dealul (distance between Dealul and Dorohoi, Romania: 17.15 km) at 17.15 km
Dornesti (distance between Dornesti and Dorohoi, Romania: 30.78 km) at 30.78 km
Dorobanti (distance between Dorobanti and Dorohoi, Romania: 20.07 km) at 20.07 km
Dragomirna (distance between Dragomirna and Dorohoi, Romania: 25.51 km) at 25.51 km
Dubova, Ukraine (distance between Dubova, Ukraine and Dorohoi, Romania: 55.87 km) at 55.87 km
Eminescu (distance between Eminescu and Dorohoi, Romania: 42.81 km) at 42.81 km
Falticeni (distance between Falticeni and Dorohoi, Romania: 56.15 km) at 56.15 km
Florea (distance between Florea and Dorohoi, Romania: 39.65 km) at 39.65 km
Fratautii Noi (distance between Fratautii Noi and Dorohoi, Romania: 41.00 km) at 41.00 km
Galben (distance between Galben and Dorohoi, Romania: 24.19 km) at 24.19 km
George Enescu (distance between George Enescu and Dorohoi, Romania: 11.16 km) at 11.16 km
Gramesti (distance between Gramesti and Dorohoi, Romania: 19.01 km) at 19.01 km
Granicesti (distance between Granicesti and Dorohoi, Romania: 28.97 km) at 28.97 km
Hudesti (distance between Hudesti and Dorohoi, Romania: 23.47 km) at 23.47 km
Klishkivtsi, Ukraine (distance between Klishkivtsi, Ukraine and Dorohoi, Romania: 54.69 km) at 54.69 km
Krivoy, Ukraine (distance between Krivoy, Ukraine and Dorohoi, Romania: 43.35 km) at 43.35 km
Liteni (distance between Liteni and Dorohoi, Romania: 45.21 km) at 45.21 km
Marginea (distance between Marginea and Dorohoi, Romania: 46.00 km) at 46.00 km
Maritei (distance between Maritei and Dorohoi, Romania: 29.87 km) at 29.87 km
Milisauti (distance between Milisauti and Dorohoi, Romania: 35.16 km) at 35.16 km
Mitocu Dragomimei (distance between Mitocu Dragomimei and Dorohoi, Romania: 27.59 km) at 27.59 km
Paltinoasa (distance between Paltinoasa and Dorohoi, Romania: 55.82 km) at 55.82 km
Partestii De Jos (distance between Partestii De Jos and Dorohoi, Romania: 47.88 km) at 47.88 km
Patrauti (distance between Patrauti and Dorohoi, Romania: 29.96 km) at 29.96 km
Paun (distance between Paun and Dorohoi, Romania: 54.62 km) at 54.62 km
Rachiti (distance between Rachiti and Dorohoi, Romania: 29.39 km) at 29.39 km
Radauti (distance between Radauti and Dorohoi, Romania: 37.74 km) at 37.74 km
Rahova (distance between Rahova and Dorohoi, Romania: 45.80 km) at 45.80 km
Rarancea, Ukraine (distance between Rarancea, Ukraine and Dorohoi, Romania: 48.13 km) at 48.13 km
Ripiceni (distance between Ripiceni and Dorohoi, Romania: 54.66 km) at 54.66 km
Roma (distance between Roma and Dorohoi, Romania: 19.79 km) at 19.79 km
Salcea (distance between Salcea and Dorohoi, Romania: 33.48 km) at 33.48 km
Saveni (distance between Saveni and Dorohoi, Romania: 34.79 km) at 34.79 km
Sfantu-ilie (distance between Sfantu ilie and Dorohoi, Romania: 37.82 km) at 37.82 km
Shushkautsi, Ukraine (distance between Shushkautsi, Ukraine and Dorohoi, Romania: 45.61 km) at 45.61 km
Siminicea (distance between Siminicea and Dorohoi, Romania: 27.82 km) at 27.82 km
Siret (distance between Siret and Dorohoi, Romania: 24.85 km) at 24.85 km
Solca (distance between Solca and Dorohoi, Romania: 49.63 km) at 49.63 km
Stamate (distance between Stamate and Dorohoi, Romania: 39.92 km) at 39.92 km
Storozhynets, Ukraine (distance between Storozhynets, Ukraine and Dorohoi, Romania: 55.92 km) at 55.92 km
Strahotin (distance between Strahotin and Dorohoi, Romania: 42.18 km) at 42.18 km
Stroiesti (distance between Stroiesti and Dorohoi, Romania: 42.12 km) at 42.12 km
Suceava (distance between Suceava and Dorohoi, Romania: 36.99 km) at 36.99 km
Sucevita (distance between Sucevita and Dorohoi, Romania: 54.29 km) at 54.29 km
Sulita (distance between Sulita and Dorohoi, Romania: 48.70 km) at 48.70 km
Talpa (distance between Talpa and Dorohoi, Romania: 42.48 km) at 42.48 km
Tarna Mare (distance between Tarna Mare and Dorohoi, Romania: 52.18 km) at 52.18 km
Tibeni (distance between Tibeni and Dorohoi, Romania: 31.13 km) at 31.13 km
Timis (distance between Timis and Dorohoi, Romania: 44.43 km) at 44.43 km
Todiresti (distance between Todiresti and Dorohoi, Romania: 49.21 km) at 49.21 km
Trusesti (distance between Trusesti and Dorohoi, Romania: 50.37 km) at 50.37 km
Tudora (distance between Tudora and Dorohoi, Romania: 51.29 km) at 51.29 km
Vasilache (distance between Vasilache and Dorohoi, Romania: 25.98 km) at 25.98 km
Vatra (distance between Vatra and Dorohoi, Romania: 24.37 km) at 24.37 km
Veresti (distance between Veresti and Dorohoi, Romania: 39.03 km) at 39.03 km
Vicovu De Jos (distance between Vicovu De Jos and Dorohoi, Romania: 50.03 km) at 50.03 km
Vicovu De Sus (distance between Vicovu De Sus and Dorohoi, Romania: 53.47 km) at 53.47 km
Vladeni (distance between Vladeni and Dorohoi, Romania: 27.39 km) at 27.39 km
Vlasinesti (distance between Vlasinesti and Dorohoi, Romania: 36.08 km) at 36.08 km
Volovat (distance between Volovat and Dorohoi, Romania: 40.16 km) at 40.16 km
Vorniceni (distance between Vorniceni and Dorohoi, Romania: 47.10 km) at 47.10 km
Vorona (distance between Vorona and Dorohoi, Romania: 42.69 km) at 42.69 km
Zvoristea (distance between Zvoristea and Dorohoi, Romania: 15.64 km) at 15.64 km

Recommended service providers in Dorohoi, Romania

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Would you like to recommend a guide, a hotel, a restaurant or any other business in Dorohoi, Romania?
Send us an email with detailed information on the business you want to recommend - business name, short description, location, website and contact details - and, if the business is relevant to our visitors, we will promote it here for free! LowCostRoutes.com not only helps you find the closest airport to any city but also offers readers cheap flights routes from top airlines. When planning to visit a city in which you are not sure of the closest airport, you can use our to plan your flight and determine the best way to get to your destination. In many cases, there are multiple airports near the city you want to visit, so we recommend you check the top 3 to ensure you find the most economical flight. If you renting a car, it could end up better flying into an airport that is farther away from your final destination to get the best deal on airfare. If you're flying Internationally, you will want to choose the airport that offers the most International flights and airlines that offer International routes. Our site provides a list of airlines and routes for you to easily determine this.

Tips for Flying > Plan your trip

An indirect flight: If there is no direct flight on your desired route and you have to change planes in order to reach your destination, you should take into account three very important "details".
  • First of all, you will have to buy your flight tickets separately, as if they were for two separate journeys. It may therefore happen that the sum you pay for the two flight tickets, especially if you buy them shortly before your flight date, be almost equal to the price you would pay for a direct flight with a regular line. Check and compare prices well before buying!
  • Moreover, when you arrive at the airport where need to change flights, you must collect your luggage yourself, as if your journey were over. Afterwards, you need to leave the airport security area, check-in for the second flight and go through the security check once again before boarding the second plane. Be extremely careful, as this could sometimes take more than 3 hours!
  • Last but not least, if your first flight is late, the next one will not wait for you, even if it is operated by the same airline. That is due to the policy of low cost companies which states that flights are independent from one another. Low cost airlines are not responsible for your losing the onward flights, no matter what.