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Closest Airport to Asheville airport (AVL), USA

Asheville airport - view flight list

Airport nameAsheville
IATA Airport CodeAVL
ICAO Airport CodeKAVL
CityAsheville, NC
Cheap flights118
Cheap airlines6

Closest Airport to Asheville airport (AVL), USA

Greenville-Spartanburg at 66.68 km.   See all flights from Greenville-Spartanburg 226 flights
Tri-cities at 116.58 km.   See all flights from Tri-cities 109 flights
McGhee Tyson at 137.86 km.   See all flights from McGhee Tyson 118 flights
Charlotte, NC at 147.19 km.   See all flights from Charlotte, NC 451 flights
Concord at 166.18 km.   See all flights from Concord 2 flights
Aeromexico operates 420 flights in the Asheville airport (AVL), USA area Southwest Airlines operates 204 flights in the Asheville airport (AVL), USA area LATAM operates 96 flights in the Asheville airport (AVL), USA area AirTran operates 59 flights in the Asheville airport (AVL), USA area JetBlue operates 56 flights in the Asheville airport (AVL), USA area SATA Air operates 13 flights in the Asheville airport (AVL), USA area

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Cities near Asheville airport (AVL), USA

Alexander, NC (distance between Alexander NC and Asheville airport: 30.00 km) at 30.00 km
Arden, NC (distance between Arden NC and Asheville airport: 6.25 km) at 6.25 km
Asheville, NC (distance between Asheville NC and Asheville airport: 23.65 km) at 23.65 km
Balsam Grove, NC (distance between Balsam Grove NC and Asheville airport: 38.38 km) at 38.38 km
Balsam, NC (distance between Balsam NC and Asheville airport: 49.08 km) at 49.08 km
Barnardsville, NC (distance between Barnardsville NC and Asheville airport: 37.22 km) at 37.22 km
Bat Cave, NC (distance between Bat Cave NC and Asheville airport: 0.55 km) at 0.55 km
Black Mountain, NC (distance between Black Mountain NC and Asheville airport: 28.00 km) at 28.00 km
Brevard, NC (distance between Brevard NC and Asheville airport: 37.16 km) at 37.16 km
Burnsville, NC (distance between Burnsville NC and Asheville airport: 53.85 km) at 53.85 km
Campobello, SC (distance between Campobello SC and Asheville airport: 51.76 km) at 51.76 km
Candler, NC (distance between Candler NC and Asheville airport: 17.04 km) at 17.04 km
Canton, NC (distance between Canton NC and Asheville airport: 29.74 km) at 29.74 km
Cedar Mountain, NC (distance between Cedar Mountain NC and Asheville airport: 30.98 km) at 30.98 km
Chimney Rock, NC (distance between Chimney Rock NC and Asheville airport: 26.93 km) at 26.93 km
Cleveland, SC (distance between Cleveland SC and Asheville airport: 40.28 km) at 40.28 km
Clyde, NC (distance between Clyde NC and Asheville airport: 46.29 km) at 46.29 km
Columbus, NC (distance between Columbus NC and Asheville airport: 49.02 km) at 49.02 km
Dana, NC (distance between Dana NC and Asheville airport: 19.17 km) at 19.17 km
East Flat Rock, NC (distance between East Flat Rock NC and Asheville airport: 20.67 km) at 20.67 km
Edneyville, NC (distance between Edneyville NC and Asheville airport: 18.42 km) at 18.42 km
Enka, NC (distance between Enka NC and Asheville airport: 15.05 km) at 15.05 km
Etowah, NC (distance between Etowah NC and Asheville airport: 13.70 km) at 13.70 km
Fairview, NC (distance between Fairview NC and Asheville airport: 18.16 km) at 18.16 km
Flat Rock, NC (distance between Flat Rock NC and Asheville airport: 21.79 km) at 21.79 km
Fletcher, NC (distance between Fletcher NC and Asheville airport: 6.93 km) at 6.93 km
Gerton, NC (distance between Gerton NC and Asheville airport: 18.50 km) at 18.50 km
Gramling, SC (distance between Gramling SC and Asheville airport: 54.42 km) at 54.42 km
Hazelwood, NC (distance between Hazelwood NC and Asheville airport: 42.12 km) at 42.12 km
Hendersonville, NC (distance between Hendersonville NC and Asheville airport: 12.11 km) at 12.11 km
Horse Shoe, NC (distance between Horse Shoe NC and Asheville airport: 8.66 km) at 8.66 km
Hot Springs, NC (distance between Hot Springs NC and Asheville airport: 50.89 km) at 50.89 km
Lake Junaluska, NC (distance between Lake Junaluska NC and Asheville airport: 40.24 km) at 40.24 km
Lake Lure, NC (distance between Lake Lure NC and Asheville airport: 32.85 km) at 32.85 km
Lake Toxaway, NC (distance between Lake Toxaway NC and Asheville airport: 47.52 km) at 47.52 km
Landrum, SC (distance between Landrum SC and Asheville airport: 42.32 km) at 42.32 km
Leicester, NC (distance between Leicester NC and Asheville airport: 31.52 km) at 31.52 km
Lynn, NC (distance between Lynn NC and Asheville airport: 37.04 km) at 37.04 km
Maggie Valley, NC (distance between Maggie Valley NC and Asheville airport: 52.18 km) at 52.18 km
Marietta, SC (distance between Marietta SC and Asheville airport: 41.14 km) at 41.14 km
Mars Hill, NC (distance between Mars Hill NC and Asheville airport: 49.74 km) at 49.74 km
Marshall, NC (distance between Marshall NC and Asheville airport: 53.62 km) at 53.62 km
Mill Spring, NC (distance between Mill Spring NC and Asheville airport: 35.89 km) at 35.89 km
Mills River, NC (distance between Mills River NC and Asheville airport: 8.31 km) at 8.31 km
Montreat, NC (distance between Montreat NC and Asheville airport: 31.56 km) at 31.56 km
Mountain Home, NC (distance between Mountain Home NC and Asheville airport: 8.51 km) at 8.51 km
Naples, NC (distance between Naples NC and Asheville airport: 5.85 km) at 5.85 km
Old Fort, NC (distance between Old Fort NC and Asheville airport: 37.96 km) at 37.96 km
Penrose, NC (distance between Penrose NC and Asheville airport: 20.34 km) at 20.34 km
Pisgah Forest, NC (distance between Pisgah Forest NC and Asheville airport: 22.37 km) at 22.37 km
Ridgecrest, NC (distance between Ridgecrest NC and Asheville airport: 28.49 km) at 28.49 km
Rosman, NC (distance between Rosman NC and Asheville airport: 43.84 km) at 43.84 km
Rutherfordton, NC (distance between Rutherfordton NC and Asheville airport: 47.90 km) at 47.90 km
Saluda, NC (distance between Saluda NC and Asheville airport: 29.02 km) at 29.02 km
Skyland, NC (distance between Skyland NC and Asheville airport: 5.46 km) at 5.46 km
Slater, SC (distance between Slater SC and Asheville airport: 45.01 km) at 45.01 km
Swannanoa, NC (distance between Swannanoa NC and Asheville airport: 25.21 km) at 25.21 km
Taylors, SC (distance between Taylors SC and Asheville airport: 52.49 km) at 52.49 km
Tigerville, SC (distance between Tigerville SC and Asheville airport: 44.88 km) at 44.88 km
Travelers Rest, SC (distance between Travelers Rest SC and Asheville airport: 40.99 km) at 40.99 km
Tryon, NC (distance between Tryon NC and Asheville airport: 49.67 km) at 49.67 km
Tuckasegee, NC (distance between Tuckasegee NC and Asheville airport: 49.90 km) at 49.90 km
Tuxedo, NC (distance between Tuxedo NC and Asheville airport: 24.67 km) at 24.67 km
Union Mills, NC (distance between Union Mills NC and Asheville airport: 52.06 km) at 52.06 km
Waynesville, NC (distance between Waynesville NC and Asheville airport: 39.48 km) at 39.48 km
Weaverville, NC (distance between Weaverville NC and Asheville airport: 32.79 km) at 32.79 km
Zirconia, NC (distance between Zirconia NC and Asheville airport: 26.48 km) at 26.48 km

Recommended service providers in Asheville, USA

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Tips for Flying > Before departure

Food and drinks on the plane: One of the most important "features" of low cost flights is that the airlines do not offer free food and drinks on the plane. Food and drinks are sold on board, but they are quite expensive. If you travel on a low budget you should take some sandwiches from home. But remember that you cannot carry any liquids in your hand luggage past the security check!