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Closest Airport to Masino, Italy

Closest Airport to Masino, Italy

Samedan, Switzerland at 44.62 km.   See all flights from Samedan 0 flights
Milan Orio al Serio at 55.12 km.   See all flights from Milan Orio al Serio 180 flights
Lugano, Switzerland at 58.65 km.   See all flights from Lugano 25 flights
Milan Linate at 84.92 km.   See all flights from Milan Linate 34 flights
Milan Malpensa at 92.03 km.   See all flights from Milan Malpensa 1360 flights
Verona Brescia at 98.34 km.   See all flights from Verona Brescia 0 flights
Aeromexico operates 445 flights in the Masino, Italy area LATAM operates 125 flights in the Masino, Italy area Norwegian operates 110 flights in the Masino, Italy area Vueling operates 105 flights in the Masino, Italy area Eurowings operates 93 flights in the Masino, Italy area Ryanair operates 86 flights in the Masino, Italy area

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Cities near Masino, Italy

Albonico (distance between Albonico and Masino, Italy: 17.10 km) at 17.10 km
Alpe Grasso (distance between Alpe Grasso and Masino, Italy: 24.56 km) at 24.56 km
Averara (distance between Averara and Masino, Italy: 20.41 km) at 20.41 km
Bagini (distance between Bagini and Masino, Italy: 9.37 km) at 9.37 km
Barzio (distance between Barzio and Masino, Italy: 27.97 km) at 27.97 km
Bellano (distance between Bellano and Masino, Italy: 29.70 km) at 29.70 km
Berbenno (distance between Berbenno and Masino, Italy: 7.71 km) at 7.71 km
Berbenno Di Valtellina (distance between Berbenno Di Valtellina and Masino, Italy: 7.71 km) at 7.71 km
Bindo (distance between Bindo and Masino, Italy: 27.71 km) at 27.71 km
Bordogna (distance between Bordogna and Masino, Italy: 24.96 km) at 24.96 km
Branzi (distance between Branzi and Masino, Italy: 20.70 km) at 20.70 km
Buglio In Monte (distance between Buglio In Monte and Masino, Italy: 3.17 km) at 3.17 km
Caiolo (distance between Caiolo and Masino, Italy: 14.10 km) at 14.10 km
Campovico (distance between Campovico and Masino, Italy: 4.07 km) at 4.07 km
Carona (distance between Carona and Masino, Italy: 20.32 km) at 20.32 km
Carriola (distance between Carriola and Masino, Italy: 22.54 km) at 22.54 km
Casargo (distance between Casargo and Masino, Italy: 24.35 km) at 24.35 km
Caspoggio (distance between Caspoggio and Masino, Italy: 21.14 km) at 21.14 km
Cassiglio (distance between Cassiglio and Masino, Italy: 22.30 km) at 22.30 km
Castasegna, Switzerland (distance between Castasegna, Switzerland and Masino, Italy: 20.60 km) at 20.60 km
Castello Dell'acqua (distance between Castello Dellacqua and Masino, Italy: 28.33 km) at 28.33 km
Cedrasco (distance between Cedrasco and Masino, Italy: 10.45 km) at 10.45 km
Cercino (distance between Cercino and Masino, Italy: 9.70 km) at 9.70 km
Chiavenna (distance between Chiavenna and Masino, Italy: 24.52 km) at 24.52 km
Chiesa In Valmalenco (distance between Chiesa In Valmalenco and Masino, Italy: 20.06 km) at 20.06 km
Chiuro (distance between Chiuro and Masino, Italy: 26.98 km) at 26.98 km
Cino (distance between Cino and Masino, Italy: 11.45 km) at 11.45 km
Colico (distance between Colico and Masino, Italy: 20.89 km) at 20.89 km
Cortenova (distance between Cortenova and Masino, Italy: 26.26 km) at 26.26 km
Cosio Valtellino (distance between Cosio Valtellino and Masino, Italy: 7.21 km) at 7.21 km
Cremeno (distance between Cremeno and Masino, Italy: 28.99 km) at 28.99 km
Cusio (distance between Cusio and Masino, Italy: 20.57 km) at 20.57 km
Delebio (distance between Delebio and Masino, Italy: 14.61 km) at 14.61 km
Dervio (distance between Dervio and Masino, Italy: 28.02 km) at 28.02 km
Desco (distance between Desco and Masino, Italy: 2.26 km) at 2.26 km
Domaso (distance between Domaso and Masino, Italy: 24.48 km) at 24.48 km
Dongo (distance between Dongo and Masino, Italy: 27.56 km) at 27.56 km
Dorio (distance between Dorio and Masino, Italy: 25.52 km) at 25.52 km
Dubino (distance between Dubino and Masino, Italy: 14.25 km) at 14.25 km
Faedo (distance between Faedo and Masino, Italy: 20.64 km) at 20.64 km
Fenile (distance between Fenile and Masino, Italy: 14.49 km) at 14.49 km
Foppolo (distance between Foppolo and Masino, Italy: 15.81 km) at 15.81 km
Fusine (distance between Fusine and Masino, Italy: 7.93 km) at 7.93 km
Gera (distance between Gera and Masino, Italy: 20.55 km) at 20.55 km
Gera Lario (distance between Gera Lario and Masino, Italy: 20.55 km) at 20.55 km
Gerola (distance between Gerola and Masino, Italy: 15.11 km) at 15.11 km
Gordona (distance between Gordona and Masino, Italy: 25.38 km) at 25.38 km
Gravedona (distance between Gravedona and Masino, Italy: 25.76 km) at 25.76 km
Guglielmo (distance between Guglielmo and Masino, Italy: 27.66 km) at 27.66 km
Il Forno (distance between Il Forno and Masino, Italy: 28.00 km) at 28.00 km
Introbio (distance between Introbio and Masino, Italy: 27.97 km) at 27.97 km
Lenna (distance between Lenna and Masino, Italy: 26.11 km) at 26.11 km
Mantello (distance between Mantello and Masino, Italy: 9.70 km) at 9.70 km
Mele (distance between Mele and Masino, Italy: 5.35 km) at 5.35 km
Mello (distance between Mello and Masino, Italy: 6.69 km) at 6.69 km
Mese (distance between Mese and Masino, Italy: 24.30 km) at 24.30 km
Mezzoldo (distance between Mezzoldo and Masino, Italy: 16.89 km) at 16.89 km
Moggio (distance between Moggio and Masino, Italy: 28.44 km) at 28.44 km
Monaci (distance between Monaci and Masino, Italy: 20.63 km) at 20.63 km
Morbegno (distance between Morbegno and Masino, Italy: 6.34 km) at 6.34 km
Mossini (distance between Mossini and Masino, Italy: 16.70 km) at 16.70 km
Musso (distance between Musso and Masino, Italy: 28.81 km) at 28.81 km
Novate (distance between Novate and Masino, Italy: 16.89 km) at 16.89 km
Novate Mezzola (distance between Novate Mezzola and Masino, Italy: 16.89 km) at 16.89 km
Olmo (distance between Olmo and Masino, Italy: 22.30 km) at 22.30 km
Ornica (distance between Ornica and Masino, Italy: 21.05 km) at 21.05 km
Pagnona (distance between Pagnona and Masino, Italy: 22.20 km) at 22.20 km
Paini (distance between Paini and Masino, Italy: 20.64 km) at 20.64 km
Pasturo (distance between Pasturo and Masino, Italy: 28.04 km) at 28.04 km
Piantedo (distance between Piantedo and Masino, Italy: 15.86 km) at 15.86 km
Piateda (distance between Piateda and Masino, Italy: 21.93 km) at 21.93 km
Piazza Brembana (distance between Piazza Brembana and Masino, Italy: 24.26 km) at 24.26 km
Piazzatorre (distance between Piazzatorre and Masino, Italy: 20.57 km) at 20.57 km
Pietro (distance between Pietro and Masino, Italy: 22.53 km) at 22.53 km
Piuro (distance between Piuro and Masino, Italy: 24.10 km) at 24.10 km
Poggiridenti (distance between Poggiridenti and Masino, Italy: 19.27 km) at 19.27 km
Ponchiera (distance between Ponchiera and Masino, Italy: 18.47 km) at 18.47 km
Porta (distance between Porta and Masino, Italy: 20.32 km) at 20.32 km
Postalesio (distance between Postalesio and Masino, Italy: 10.28 km) at 10.28 km
Prata Camportaccio (distance between Prata Camportaccio and Masino, Italy: 23.30 km) at 23.30 km
Premana (distance between Premana and Masino, Italy: 21.17 km) at 21.17 km
Promontogno, Switzerland (distance between Promontogno, Switzerland and Masino, Italy: 20.09 km) at 20.09 km
Rogolo (distance between Rogolo and Masino, Italy: 12.15 km) at 12.15 km
Samolaco (distance between Samolaco and Masino, Italy: 20.27 km) at 20.27 km
Santa Brigida (distance between Santa Brigida and Masino, Italy: 20.45 km) at 20.45 km
Sondrio (distance between Sondrio and Masino, Italy: 17.99 km) at 17.99 km
Sponda (distance between Sponda and Masino, Italy: 16.18 km) at 16.18 km
Stampa, Switzerland (distance between Stampa, Switzerland and Masino, Italy: 19.24 km) at 19.24 km
Taceno (distance between Taceno and Masino, Italy: 27.51 km) at 27.51 km
Talamona (distance between Talamona and Masino, Italy: 3.51 km) at 3.51 km
Traona (distance between Traona and Masino, Italy: 9.18 km) at 9.18 km
Tresivio (distance between Tresivio and Masino, Italy: 24.86 km) at 24.86 km
Valmoresca (distance between Valmoresca and Masino, Italy: 18.60 km) at 18.60 km
Valnegra (distance between Valnegra and Masino, Italy: 24.43 km) at 24.43 km
Valtorta (distance between Valtorta and Masino, Italy: 21.82 km) at 21.82 km
Vercana (distance between Vercana and Masino, Italy: 23.00 km) at 23.00 km
Verceia (distance between Verceia and Masino, Italy: 14.60 km) at 14.60 km
Vicosoprano, Switzerland (distance between Vicosoprano, Switzerland and Masino, Italy: 20.44 km) at 20.44 km
Voga (distance between Voga and Masino, Italy: 26.38 km) at 26.38 km

Recommended service providers in Masino, Italy

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Tips for Flying > Before departure

Food and drinks on the plane: One of the most important "features" of low cost flights is that the airlines do not offer free food and drinks on the plane. Food and drinks are sold on board, but they are quite expensive. If you travel on a low budget you should take some sandwiches from home. But remember that you cannot carry any liquids in your hand luggage past the security check!