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Closest Airport to Georgiyevka, Ukraine

Closest Airport to Georgiyevka, Ukraine

Zaporozhye at 102.73 km.   See all flights from Zaporozhye 41 flights
Kryvyi Rih at 113.06 km.   See all flights from Kryvyi Rih 0 flights
Dnepropetrovsk at 134.31 km.   See all flights from Dnepropetrovsk 38 flights
Kherson at 140.33 km.   See all flights from Kherson 40 flights
Mykolaiv at 177.06 km.   See all flights from Mykolaiv 36 flights
Simferopol at 252.43 km.   See all flights from Simferopol 5 flights
Ukraine International operates 155 flights in the Georgiyevka, Ukraine area Estonian Air operates 1 flights in the Georgiyevka, Ukraine area Air Baltic operates 1 flights in the Georgiyevka, Ukraine area EL AL operates 1 flights in the Georgiyevka, Ukraine area VIM operates 1 flights in the Georgiyevka, Ukraine area Ural operates 1 flights in the Georgiyevka, Ukraine area

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Cities near Georgiyevka, Ukraine

Apostolove (distance between Apostolove and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 55.50 km) at 55.50 km
Blagoveshchenskoye (distance between Blagoveshchenskoye and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 48.52 km) at 48.52 km
Bolschaja Aleksandrowka (distance between Bolschaja Aleksandrowka and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 69.20 km) at 69.20 km
Chervonohryhorivka (distance between Chervonohryhorivka and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 42.88 km) at 42.88 km
Dniprorudne (distance between Dniprorudne and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 60.55 km) at 60.55 km
Dniprovka (distance between Dniprovka and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 32.68 km) at 32.68 km
Energodar (distance between Energodar and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 28.37 km) at 28.37 km
Kakhovka (distance between Kakhovka and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 78.30 km) at 78.30 km
Kalinina (distance between Kalinina and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 46.68 km) at 46.68 km
Kamenkadneprovskaya (distance between Kamenkadneprovskaya and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 24.38 km) at 24.38 km
Kreshchenka (distance between Kreshchenka and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 31.56 km) at 31.56 km
Lyubymivka (distance between Lyubymivka and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 74.04 km) at 74.04 km
Mala Bilozerka (distance between Mala Bilozerka and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 52.59 km) at 52.59 km
Marganets (distance between Marganets and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 48.47 km) at 48.47 km
Nikopol (distance between Nikopol and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 32.23 km) at 32.23 km
Novaya Zavadovka (distance between Novaya Zavadovka and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 61.49 km) at 61.49 km
Novoarkhangelskoye (distance between Novoarkhangelskoye and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 47.93 km) at 47.93 km
Novosibirsk (distance between Novosibirsk and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 75.21 km) at 75.21 km
Novovorontsovka (distance between Novovorontsovka and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 31.72 km) at 31.72 km
Nyzhni Sirohozy (distance between Nyzhni Sirohozy and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 52.01 km) at 52.01 km
Pavlograd (distance between Pavlograd and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 70.26 km) at 70.26 km
Pushkina (distance between Pushkina and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 52.29 km) at 52.29 km
Radio (distance between Radio and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 53.03 km) at 53.03 km
Tokarevo (distance between Tokarevo and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 80.51 km) at 80.51 km
Tsvetkov (distance between Tsvetkov and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 36.89 km) at 36.89 km
Vasylivka (distance between Vasylivka and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 79.93 km) at 79.93 km
Velyka Bilozerka (distance between Velyka Bilozerka and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 35.58 km) at 35.58 km
Velyka Lepetykha (distance between Velyka Lepetykha and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 25.04 km) at 25.04 km
Velyka Oleksandrivka (distance between Velyka Oleksandrivka and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 69.20 km) at 69.20 km
Verkhniy Rogachik (distance between Verkhniy Rogachik and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 9.64 km) at 9.64 km
Verkhniy Rohachyk (distance between Verkhniy Rohachyk and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 9.13 km) at 9.13 km
Vesele (distance between Vesele and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 60.59 km) at 60.59 km
Vodyane (distance between Vodyane and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 28.91 km) at 28.91 km
Vyshchetarasivka (distance between Vyshchetarasivka and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 57.03 km) at 57.03 km
Vysokopillya (distance between Vysokopillya and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 56.55 km) at 56.55 km
Zaporogye (distance between Zaporogye and Georgiyevka, Ukraine: 71.94 km) at 71.94 km

Recommended service providers in Georgiyevka, Ukraine

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Tips for Flying > Buy tickets

Use online check-in: Most lowcost airlines now offer passengers the possibility to check in online for their flight. In most cases you can check in online only if you have no hold luggage. However, some airlines do have a special bag-drop desk for passengers who wish to check in online and to take hold luggage with them. By checking in online, you will avoid queuing in order to check-in at the airport (and you will probably also save some money).