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Closest Airport to Gallivare airport (GEV), Sweden

Gallivare airport - view flight list

Airport nameGallivare
IATA Airport CodeGEV
ICAO Airport CodeKGEV
Cheap flights22
Cheap airlines1

Closest Airport to Gallivare airport (GEV), Sweden

Kiruna at 93.91 km.   See all flights from Kiruna 78 flights
Pajala at 100.52 km.   See all flights from Pajala 0 flights
Arvidsjaur at 171.59 km.   See all flights from Arvidsjaur 22 flights
Lulea at 172.05 km.   See all flights from Lulea 100 flights
Enontekio, Finland at 187.41 km.   See all flights from Enontekio 8 flights
Norwegian operates 151 flights in the Gallivare airport (GEV), Sweden area Nextjet operates 44 flights in the Gallivare airport (GEV), Sweden area Thomas Cook operates 8 flights in the Gallivare airport (GEV), Sweden area LATAM operates 4 flights in the Gallivare airport (GEV), Sweden area Eurowings operates 1 flights in the Gallivare airport (GEV), Sweden area

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Cities near Gallivare airport (GEV), Sweden

Adakjaure (distance between Adakjaure and Gallivare airport: 39.12 km) at 39.12 km
Gällivare (distance between Gallivare and Gallivare airport: 15.92 km) at 15.92 km
Hakkas (distance between Hakkas and Gallivare airport: 32.57 km) at 32.57 km
Jokkmokk (distance between Jokkmokk and Gallivare airport: 61.97 km) at 61.97 km
Kaartijarvi (distance between Kaartijarvi and Gallivare airport: 16.84 km) at 16.84 km
Keskijarvi (distance between Keskijarvi and Gallivare airport: 14.95 km) at 14.95 km
Koskullskulle (distance between Koskullskulle and Gallivare airport: 20.72 km) at 20.72 km
Malmberget (distance between Malmberget and Gallivare airport: 19.91 km) at 19.91 km
Mattisudden (distance between Mattisudden and Gallivare airport: 60.52 km) at 60.52 km
Menasvaara (distance between Menasvaara and Gallivare airport: 13.18 km) at 13.18 km
Murjek (distance between Murjek and Gallivare airport: 59.40 km) at 59.40 km
Nattavaara (distance between Nattavaara and Gallivare airport: 28.29 km) at 28.29 km
Nilivaara (distance between Nilivaara and Gallivare airport: 43.28 km) at 43.28 km
ovre Kuouka (distance between ovre Kuouka and Gallivare airport: 49.80 km) at 49.80 km
Polcirkeln (distance between Polcirkeln and Gallivare airport: 50.73 km) at 50.73 km
Porjus (distance between Porjus and Gallivare airport: 44.61 km) at 44.61 km
Porsi (distance between Porsi and Gallivare airport: 60.00 km) at 60.00 km
Ratukkavaaraby (distance between Ratukkavaaraby and Gallivare airport: 21.03 km) at 21.03 km
Sadjem (distance between Sadjem and Gallivare airport: 17.59 km) at 17.59 km
Saimovaara (distance between Saimovaara and Gallivare airport: 9.96 km) at 9.96 km
Sakajarvi (distance between Sakajarvi and Gallivare airport: 13.27 km) at 13.27 km
Tingvallskulle (distance between Tingvallskulle and Gallivare airport: 23.63 km) at 23.63 km
Tjautjas (distance between Tjautjas and Gallivare airport: 35.51 km) at 35.51 km
Torrivaara (distance between Torrivaara and Gallivare airport: 56.79 km) at 56.79 km

Recommended service providers in Gallivare, Sweden

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Tips for Flying > Plan your trip

Book well in advance: The cheapest tickets sell first. The policy of lowcost airlines is to sell cheap tickets at first and to gradually increase the price as tickets are bought. Usually, if you buy your ticket 2-3 months in advance, you will probably get the best price.