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Closest Airport to Flavin, France

Closest Airport to Flavin, France

Rodez at 16.56 km.   See all flights from Rodez 7 flights
Aurillac at 69.46 km.   See all flights from Aurillac 29 flights
Mazamet at 85.37 km.   See all flights from Mazamet 13 flights
Carcassone at 121.67 km.   See all flights from Carcassone 10 flights
Beziers Cap d'Agde at 123.03 km.   See all flights from Beziers Cap d 8 flights
Toulouse at 123.55 km.   See all flights from Toulouse 817 flights
Aeromexico operates 440 flights in the Flavin, France area LATAM operates 116 flights in the Flavin, France area Vueling operates 97 flights in the Flavin, France area Hop operates 76 flights in the Flavin, France area Aegean Airlines operates 31 flights in the Flavin, France area Ryanair operates 28 flights in the Flavin, France area

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Cities near Flavin, France

Annat (distance between Annat and Flavin, France: 33.78 km) at 33.78 km
Arvieu (distance between Arvieu and Flavin, France: 11.52 km) at 11.52 km
Auriac-lagast (distance between Auriac lagast and Flavin, France: 15.40 km) at 15.40 km
Auzits (distance between Auzits and Flavin, France: 32.04 km) at 32.04 km
Balsac (distance between Balsac and Flavin, France: 18.14 km) at 18.14 km
Baraqueville (distance between Baraqueville and Flavin, France: 13.80 km) at 13.80 km
Bertholene (distance between Bertholene and Flavin, France: 17.75 km) at 17.75 km
Bessuejouls (distance between Bessuejouls and Flavin, France: 28.38 km) at 28.38 km
Blauzac (distance between Blauzac and Flavin, France: 34.32 km) at 34.32 km
Bozouls (distance between Bozouls and Flavin, France: 22.47 km) at 22.47 km
Brasc (distance between Brasc and Flavin, France: 34.00 km) at 34.00 km
Broquies (distance between Broquies and Flavin, France: 32.31 km) at 32.31 km
Brousse-le-chateau (distance between Brousse le chateau and Flavin, France: 32.01 km) at 32.01 km
Buzeins (distance between Buzeins and Flavin, France: 30.61 km) at 30.61 km
Camjac (distance between Camjac and Flavin, France: 21.14 km) at 21.14 km
Canet (distance between Canet and Flavin, France: 13.34 km) at 13.34 km
Canet-de-salars (distance between Canet de salars and Flavin, France: 13.34 km) at 13.34 km
Cassagnes (distance between Cassagnes and Flavin, France: 14.47 km) at 14.47 km
Cassagnes-bégonhès (distance between Cassagnes begonhes and Flavin, France: 14.47 km) at 14.47 km
Castelnau-de-mandailles (distance between Castelnau de mandailles and Flavin, France: 35.19 km) at 35.19 km
Castelnau-pégayrols (distance between Castelnau pegayrols and Flavin, France: 31.58 km) at 31.58 km
Caux (distance between Caux and Flavin, France: 12.47 km) at 12.47 km
Centres (distance between Centres and Flavin, France: 20.78 km) at 20.78 km
Clairvaux-d'aveyron (distance between Clairvaux d aveyron and Flavin, France: 20.77 km) at 20.77 km
Colombies (distance between Colombies and Flavin, France: 22.20 km) at 22.20 km
Compolibat (distance between Compolibat and Flavin, France: 34.12 km) at 34.12 km
Comprégnac (distance between Compregnac and Flavin, France: 36.45 km) at 36.45 km
Comps-la-grand-ville (distance between Comps la grand ville and Flavin, France: 6.95 km) at 6.95 km
Coupiac (distance between Coupiac and Flavin, France: 37.60 km) at 37.60 km
Cransac (distance between Cransac and Flavin, France: 36.96 km) at 36.96 km
Druelle (distance between Druelle and Flavin, France: 10.88 km) at 10.88 km
Escandolieres (distance between Escandolieres and Flavin, France: 29.17 km) at 29.17 km
Espalion (distance between Espalion and Flavin, France: 29.29 km) at 29.29 km
Espeyrac (distance between Espeyrac and Flavin, France: 37.31 km) at 37.31 km
Firmi (distance between Firmi and Flavin, France: 35.69 km) at 35.69 km
Florentin-la-capelle (distance between Florentin la capelle and Flavin, France: 38.55 km) at 38.55 km
La Bastide-solages (distance between La Bastidesolages and Flavin, France: 38.56 km) at 38.56 km
La Coste (distance between La Coste and Flavin, France: 19.07 km) at 19.07 km
La Fage (distance between La Fage and Flavin, France: 36.64 km) at 36.64 km
La Loubière (distance between La Loubiere and Flavin, France: 10.61 km) at 10.61 km
La Plagne (distance between La Plagne and Flavin, France: 38.61 km) at 38.61 km
Laissac (distance between Laissac and Flavin, France: 20.13 km) at 20.13 km
Lanuejouls (distance between Lanuejouls and Flavin, France: 38.31 km) at 38.31 km
Le Dourn (distance between Le Dourn and Flavin, France: 32.10 km) at 32.10 km
Le Monastere (distance between Le Monastere and Flavin, France: 7.17 km) at 7.17 km
Le Truel (distance between Le Truel and Flavin, France: 29.09 km) at 29.09 km
Les Martres (distance between Les Martres and Flavin, France: 25.93 km) at 25.93 km
Lescure-jaoul (distance between Lescure jaoul and Flavin, France: 37.05 km) at 37.05 km
Lestrade-et-thouels (distance between Lestrade et thouels and Flavin, France: 24.84 km) at 24.84 km
Luzencon (distance between Luzencon and Flavin, France: 37.91 km) at 37.91 km
Manhac (distance between Manhac and Flavin, France: 11.40 km) at 11.40 km
Mayran (distance between Mayran and Flavin, France: 22.25 km) at 22.25 km
Montillas (distance between Montillas and Flavin, France: 23.36 km) at 23.36 km
Montjaux (distance between Montjaux and Flavin, France: 31.46 km) at 31.46 km
Moyrazes (distance between Moyrazes and Flavin, France: 14.59 km) at 14.59 km
Muret-le-chateau (distance between Muret le chateau and Flavin, France: 23.71 km) at 23.71 km
Naucelle (distance between Naucelle and Flavin, France: 23.13 km) at 23.13 km
Nuces (distance between Nuces and Flavin, France: 21.50 km) at 21.50 km
Olemps (distance between Olemps and Flavin, France: 7.59 km) at 7.59 km
Onet (distance between Onet and Flavin, France: 12.09 km) at 12.09 km
Onet-le-chateau (distance between Onet le chateau and Flavin, France: 12.67 km) at 12.67 km
Palmas (distance between Palmas and Flavin, France: 22.37 km) at 22.37 km
Pont-de-salars (distance between Pont de salars and Flavin, France: 10.23 km) at 10.23 km
Prades-salars (distance between Prades salars and Flavin, France: 14.59 km) at 14.59 km
Pruines (distance between Pruines and Flavin, France: 28.60 km) at 28.60 km
Quins (distance between Quins and Flavin, France: 19.93 km) at 19.93 km
Recoules-previnquieres (distance between Recoules previnquieres and Flavin, France: 29.25 km) at 29.25 km
Requista (distance between Requista and Flavin, France: 28.84 km) at 28.84 km
Rieupeyroux (distance between Rieupeyroux and Flavin, France: 29.31 km) at 29.31 km
Rignac (distance between Rignac and Flavin, France: 28.46 km) at 28.46 km
Rodez (distance between Rodez and Flavin, France: 7.67 km) at 7.67 km
Saint-beauzely (distance between Saint beauzely and Flavin, France: 30.62 km) at 30.62 km
Saint-come-d'olt (distance between Saint come d olt and Flavin, France: 30.56 km) at 30.56 km
Saint-cyprien-sur-dourdou (distance between Saint cyprien sur dourdou and Flavin, France: 32.83 km) at 32.83 km
Saint-geniez-d'olt (distance between Saint geniez d olt and Flavin, France: 35.33 km) at 35.33 km
Saint-izaire (distance between Saint izaire and Flavin, France: 36.01 km) at 36.01 km
Saint-jean-delnous (distance between Saint jean delnous and Flavin, France: 28.51 km) at 28.51 km
Saint-laurent-de-lévézou (distance between Saintlaurentdelevezou and Flavin, France: 29.68 km) at 29.68 km
Saint-leons (distance between Saint leons and Flavin, France: 31.17 km) at 31.17 km
Saint-martin-de-lenne (distance between Saint martin de lenne and Flavin, France: 33.04 km) at 33.04 km
Saint-rome-de-tarn (distance between Saintromedetarn and Flavin, France: 35.35 km) at 35.35 km
Saint-saturnin-de-lenne (distance between Saint saturnin de lenne and Flavin, France: 35.78 km) at 35.78 km
Salles-la-source (distance between Salles la source and Flavin, France: 17.99 km) at 17.99 km
Salmiech (distance between Salmiech and Flavin, France: 12.04 km) at 12.04 km
Sébazac (distance between Sebazac and Flavin, France: 12.64 km) at 12.64 km
Sebazac-concoures (distance between Sebazac concoures and Flavin, France: 12.64 km) at 12.64 km
Sebrazac (distance between Sebrazac and Flavin, France: 27.79 km) at 27.79 km
Selve (distance between Selve and Flavin, France: 21.64 km) at 21.64 km
Severac (distance between Severac and Flavin, France: 36.42 km) at 36.42 km
Severac-l'eglise (distance between Severac l eglise and Flavin, France: 21.16 km) at 21.16 km
Severac-le-chateau (distance between Severac le chateau and Flavin, France: 36.42 km) at 36.42 km
Tanus (distance between Tanus and Flavin, France: 30.88 km) at 30.88 km
Tayrac (distance between Tayrac and Flavin, France: 31.20 km) at 31.20 km
Thouels (distance between Thouels and Flavin, France: 26.89 km) at 26.89 km
Trémouilles (distance between Tremouilles and Flavin, France: 5.70 km) at 5.70 km
Vabre-tizac (distance between Vabre tizac and Flavin, France: 36.29 km) at 36.29 km
Valady (distance between Valady and Flavin, France: 23.39 km) at 23.39 km
Vaureilles (distance between Vaureilles and Flavin, France: 37.20 km) at 37.20 km
Vimenet (distance between Vimenet and Flavin, France: 27.79 km) at 27.79 km

Recommended service providers in Flavin, France

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Tips for Flying > Plan your trip

Escort for unaccompanied minors: Some low cost airlines offer escort services for unaccompanied minors - usually aged more than 6 - for a 50 EURO fee per flight. Children are entrusted to a specially trained adult who deals with the border crossing formalities, takes care of the children during the flight and safely delivers them to the person waiting for them at the end of the journey. Obviously, it is not possible for under-age children to travel on indirect lowcost flights, because it is not the escort's job to check children in for the onward flight. However, the escort will collect children's luggage after a direct flight. In order to know what the requirements for minors to travel alone are, inquire with the Border Police.