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Closest Airport to Brusque, Brazil

Closest Airport to Brusque, Brazil

Navegantes at 37.17 km.   See all flights from Navegantes 385 flights
Hercilio Luz at 73.37 km.   See all flights from Hercilio Luz 759 flights
Cubatao at 98.59 km.   See all flights from Cubatao 246 flights
Jaguaruna Regional at 175.77 km.   See all flights from Jaguaruna Regional 1 flights
Curitiba at 176.52 km.   See all flights from Curitiba 812 flights
Criciuma at 187.06 km.   See all flights from Criciuma 101 flights
Aeromexico operates 948 flights in the Brusque, Brazil area LATAM operates 675 flights in the Brusque, Brazil area Azul operates 495 flights in the Brusque, Brazil area Gol operates 154 flights in the Brusque, Brazil area TACA operates 23 flights in the Brusque, Brazil area Avianca operates 9 flights in the Brusque, Brazil area

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Cities near Brusque, Brazil

Apiuna (distance between Apiuna and Brusque, Brazil: 48.48 km) at 48.48 km
Ascurra (distance between Ascurra and Brusque, Brazil: 45.46 km) at 45.46 km
Balneário (distance between Balneario and Brusque, Brazil: 32.45 km) at 32.45 km
Barra Velha (distance between Barra Velha and Brusque, Brazil: 56.76 km) at 56.76 km
Benedito Novo (distance between Benedito Novo and Brusque, Brazil: 58.44 km) at 58.44 km
Biguacu (distance between Biguacu and Brusque, Brazil: 51.74 km) at 51.74 km
Blumenau (distance between Blumenau and Brusque, Brazil: 23.52 km) at 23.52 km
Bombinhas (distance between Bombinhas and Brusque, Brazil: 42.53 km) at 42.53 km
Botuvera (distance between Botuvera and Brusque, Brazil: 19.73 km) at 19.73 km
Camboriu (distance between Camboriu and Brusque, Brazil: 32.45 km) at 32.45 km
Canelinha (distance between Canelinha and Brusque, Brazil: 25.23 km) at 25.23 km
Gaspar (distance between Gaspar and Brusque, Brazil: 18.85 km) at 18.85 km
Ibirama (distance between Ibirama and Brusque, Brazil: 57.97 km) at 57.97 km
Ilhota (distance between Ilhota and Brusque, Brazil: 23.22 km) at 23.22 km
Indaial (distance between Indaial and Brusque, Brazil: 36.95 km) at 36.95 km
Itajai (distance between Itajai and Brusque, Brazil: 37.03 km) at 37.03 km
Itapema (distance between Itapema and Brusque, Brazil: 31.54 km) at 31.54 km
Lontras (distance between Lontras and Brusque, Brazil: 60.70 km) at 60.70 km
Luis Alves (distance between Luis Alves and Brusque, Brazil: 40.85 km) at 40.85 km
Luiz Alves (distance between Luiz Alves and Brusque, Brazil: 40.85 km) at 40.85 km
Major (distance between Major and Brusque, Brazil: 35.29 km) at 35.29 km
Massaranduba (distance between Massaranduba and Brusque, Brazil: 56.26 km) at 56.26 km
Navegantes (distance between Navegantes and Brusque, Brazil: 35.84 km) at 35.84 km
Nova Trento (distance between Nova Trento and Brusque, Brazil: 20.47 km) at 20.47 km
Penha (distance between Penha and Brusque, Brazil: 46.54 km) at 46.54 km
Picarras (distance between Picarras and Brusque, Brazil: 45.56 km) at 45.56 km
Pomerode (distance between Pomerode and Brusque, Brazil: 46.18 km) at 46.18 km
Porto Belo (distance between Porto Belo and Brusque, Brazil: 39.51 km) at 39.51 km
Ribeirao Do Ouro (distance between Ribeirao Do Ouro and Brusque, Brazil: 24.18 km) at 24.18 km
Rio Dos Cedros (distance between Rio Dos Cedros and Brusque, Brazil: 52.54 km) at 52.54 km
Rodeio (distance between Rodeio and Brusque, Brazil: 48.46 km) at 48.46 km
Sao Joao Batista (distance between Sao Joao Batista and Brusque, Brazil: 21.03 km) at 21.03 km
Tijucas (distance between Tijucas and Brusque, Brazil: 33.77 km) at 33.77 km
Timbo (distance between Timbo and Brusque, Brazil: 46.95 km) at 46.95 km
Vidal Ramos (distance between Vidal Ramos and Brusque, Brazil: 53.23 km) at 53.23 km

Recommended service providers in Brusque, Brazil

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Tips for Flying > Buy tickets

Use online check-in: Most lowcost airlines now offer passengers the possibility to check in online for their flight. In most cases you can check in online only if you have no hold luggage. However, some airlines do have a special bag-drop desk for passengers who wish to check in online and to take hold luggage with them. By checking in online, you will avoid queuing in order to check-in at the airport (and you will probably also save some money).